Thursday, 18 May 2017

Task 4 - Evaluation and Review

Task 1
on task 1 I started out learning different techniques that would later become very useful and I learnt what I could and couldn't do that well but that didn't stop me from trying out new things to improve my repertoire of art skills using different items, techniques, inks and paints. As someone who works mostly on computers and not using physical pains and learning these basic art techniques I actually found the work quite irritating and didn't see the point of what we were doing when we first started but at the end and looking back at it I can now see that I really have learnt a lot and that the techniques have helped me. The first think I did was the cross hatching, stippling and shading which I didn't really understand the point of the first two since you don't really see that at work when you look at games but I started to understand by doing it with paints I was able to create interesting patterns aswell as make something that I wouldn't normally. The shading techniques seemed more important since almost every drawing looks incomplete without shading on it. Next I started to learn what techniques suited me more and which I didn't like using because I either found them difficult to do right or because the effect they gave out wasn't to my liking. I know that I made sure to try all the way through my work because I am very serious about what I do.
Task 2
during task 2 I started seeing that my work was starting to shape and come to life a bit more when I was adding detail into the pictures that I was making and I started feeling more motivated because I could finally see what was in front of me. all the stippling and crosshatching that felt pointless before didn't anymore and I felt more motivated to do my work. The first picture was quite simple where I cut up some of my work from the first task and put it together to create a whole new image which I think taught me to not give up on my work because it takes time and effort to create something good.
Task 3
in task 3 I chose pictures from video games of dungeons for my inspiration not because I liked the games that they were in or because the games seemed good but because each image had unique yet great art and that I believed that with these images id be able to create something that I’d like and when I first designed the image I made something that I understood and would like to make using a few of the images that I had collected which made what I was going to do next so much simpler. at this point I was truly motivated to take everything that I had learnt from task 1 and 2 and create something that I could be happy with and I did because I really did enjoy and like what I had made and I also learnt some other things such as knowing when enough is enough to my work which I will remember in the future so that I can continue to improve my work
Overall I think I learnt quite a bit from new techniques, more art vocabulary and just more about myself as a artist in general. My work may not be the best but I am willing to improve it and try hard to reach my goal.

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